GTC Alumni Association conducted Seminar on Banking and Public Services Exam Preparation on 16th July 2017. The Seminar is based on SSC and Public Sector Gov. Exam. The seminar started by Mr. Prashant Saxena (President, GTCAA). He discussed various technical and nontechnical exams in which student can appear after He gave the idea about paper patterns of all govt. exams. He also solved the queries of students about PSU and Other exams. After that Mr. Shivdayal Gurjar (2009 Batch Alumni) discussed Rajasthan G.K. and Indian G.K. (part of economic and current affairs) which comes in the Exams. Mr. Gurjar discussed the format and syllabus which comes in Exams and give some idea about the State Union Exams which was conducted by Rajasthan Gov. after that Mr.Mayank Tiwari (Secretary, GTCAA) gave the idea about SSC-CGL . How student should can prepare themselves .They also provides some book names which student can refer. Seminar of 2 hours was very interactive and learning full. At last Mr. Prashant Saxena gave the knowledge of total subject and timing of the class. Classes will be conducted from this Saturday, 22nd July. Interested Students can attend classes. After this Saturday, only registered students can take benefits of these classes, no other students will be allowed.
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