Monday, 26 September 2016

Success Story of Globalite Vaibhav Rai Khare

Vaibhav Rai Khare is 2009 batch GIT Alumni of Mechanical Engineering. After Engineering, he did Masters of Technology from Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur in Energy Engineering. He started his career as a Research Fellow in an International Collaborative Indo-US project CBERD (Centre for Building Energy Research & Development) under PACE at MNIT Jaipur. He works in the field of Energy Modelling, CFD modelling, Building Energy Simulation and Energy Conservation in buildings. During his tenure, he also got an invite from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US for hands-on training. He has several international research publications in the field of energy simulation and also has a book published from his master's thesis. He has conducted BS 2015 (world's second most admired conference in the field of building simulation) as a technical chair of the conference.

Currently, he is working with AEEE (Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy), New Delhi as a Research Associate. His main role is to research on Energy Efficiency across building sector, Standards & Labelling, Smart Cities, ESCOs; Conducting CMVP programs, etc. He is concerned about Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Energy. He is an active member of societies such as ISHRAE, ASHRAE India, and IBPSA India. His goal is to create awareness about Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving. You can contact him regarding any query related to energy and energy efficiency programs at

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