Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Globalites Mr. Vipul Sharma with Mr. Akshat founded NGO Navjeevan Society (Down To Last Cent) in NOV 2011

Navjeevan Society (Down To Last Cent) NGO was founded by Globalites Mr. Vipul Sharma with Mr. Akshat in NOV 2011. The NGO has been working for upliftment of the society in accordance with its 52 objectives but the main emphasis lies in providing education to the underprivileged children.

From one year, Navjeevan Society is supporting few children by aiding them financially in their school expenses and this year the society is planning to increase the number of students it is supporting with their studies. Besides this, the NGO is also working in concordance with Apna Ghar & Mamta Ghar, two orphanage houses in Mansarovar for the substantial development (summer camps, dance classes, fun activities, etc.) of 100 odd children. Apart from this the members are also actively visiting slums and other backward areas of Jaipur to provide basic education to illiterates and assisting the populace in their daily life problems. We have also donated clothes, jerseys, food, etc.

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